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Home » My LEGO Collecting Adventure: Tips & Tricks I Wish I Knew When I Started

My LEGO Collecting Adventure: Tips & Tricks I Wish I Knew When I Started

Hey there, fellow LEGO lovers! So, you’re thinking about diving into the world of LEGO collecting, huh? Well, buckle up, because you’re in for a wild ride! I remember when I first started – man, did I make some rookie mistakes. But hey, that’s all part of the fun, right?

You know, it’s funny how these little plastic bricks can become such a big part of your life. I mean, who would’ve thought that the LEGO sets we played with as kids could end up being worth so much? I nearly fell out of my chair when I found out that some rare sets have gone up in value by over 2,000% in just ten years! Crazy, right?

Anyway, I’ve been at this LEGO collecting game for a while now, and I’ve learned a thing or two along the way. So, grab a coffee (or a juice box, I don’t judge), and let’s chat about how to turn your LEGO passion into an awesome hobby – or maybe even a sweet side hustle!

Getting Started: The Basics of LEGO Collecting

Alright, so you’ve decided to take the plunge into LEGO collecting. Where do you even begin? Well, let me tell you, it can be a bit overwhelming at first. I remember standing in the LEGO aisle of my local toy store, feeling like a kid in a candy shop – except I was a grown adult with a credit card. Dangerous combination, folks!

First things first, you gotta figure out what kind of collector you want to be. Are you into the nostalgia of old sets? Maybe you’re all about those cool minifigures? Or perhaps you’re eyeing LEGO as an investment? There’s no wrong answer here – it’s all about what makes you happy.

When I started, I was all over the place. I bought anything and everything LEGO-related. Big mistake! I ended up with a ton of random sets and pieces that didn’t really fit together. So, here’s my advice: pick a theme or two that you really love and focus on those. For me, it’s Star Wars and Creator Expert sets. I’m a sucker for those detailed builds!

Oh, and here’s a tip I wish someone had told me early on: invest in a good brick separator tool. Trust me, your fingernails will thank you later. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve struggled to pry apart those stubborn pieces before I got one of these lifesavers.

Now, let’s talk about where to find LEGO sets. Obviously, there’s the LEGO store and big retailers, but don’t overlook second-hand sources. Garage sales, thrift stores, and online marketplaces can be goldmines for retired sets. I once found a complete LEGO Death Star at a yard sale for $50 – the seller had no idea what they had! Of course, that’s pretty rare, but you never know what treasures you might uncover.

Just remember, collecting LEGO isn’t a race. Take your time, enjoy the process, and don’t feel like you need to buy everything at once. Your wallet (and your storage space) will thank you!

LEGO Storage Solutions: Taming the Brick Beast

Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room – or should I say, the mountain of LEGO in the room. Storage. It’s the bane of every LEGO collector’s existence. I mean, those little bricks have a way of multiplying when you’re not looking, don’t they?

When I first started collecting, I just threw everything into a big plastic bin. Big mistake! Nothing’s worse than spending hours digging through a sea of bricks looking for that one specific piece. I swear, it’s like they have a mind of their own and hide on purpose!

So, here’s what I’ve learned about LEGO storage over the years. First off, sorting is your best friend. Now, I’m not saying you need to organize every single brick by color, size, and shape (although if you do, more power to you!). But having some kind of system makes life so much easier.

Personally, I like to sort my loose bricks by color in clear plastic containers. It’s not perfect, but it works for me. For smaller pieces and minifigures, tackle boxes or craft organizers are awesome. They have all these little compartments that are perfect for keeping things separated.

Now, for those of you who collect complete sets, display is probably a big concern. I get it – you want to show off your awesome builds! I’ve tried all sorts of things over the years. Bookshelves work great for smaller sets. For bigger ones, I’ve found that floating shelves can look really cool. Just make sure they’re sturdy enough to hold the weight!

Oh, and here’s a random tip I discovered by accident: those over-the-door shoe organizers? They’re fantastic for storing minifigures! Each little pocket is the perfect size for a figure or two, and you can see them all at a glance.

One last thing about storage – dust is the enemy! I learned this the hard way when I left some of my favorite sets out on a shelf for a few months. They got so dusty that cleaning them was a nightmare. Now I keep my most prized sets in clear acrylic display cases. They look great and keep the dust out. Win-win!

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for LEGO storage. It’s all about finding what works for you and your space. And hey, if your LEGO collection starts taking over your home… well, that’s just a sign you need a bigger place, right? (Just kidding, sort of.)

The World of LEGO Minifigures: Tiny Treasures

Let’s talk about one of my favorite parts of LEGO collecting: minifigures! These little plastic people (and aliens, and animals, and… well, you get the idea) are like the rock stars of the LEGO world. And let me tell you, collecting them can be addictive!

I remember the first time I realized how valuable some minifigures can be. I was at a LEGO convention (yeah, that’s a thing, and it’s awesome!), and I saw someone selling a Mr. Gold minifigure for hundreds of dollars. My jaw hit the floor! I mean, it’s a tiny gold guy, but apparently, it’s super rare. Who knew?

Since then, I’ve become a bit of a minifigure enthusiast. There’s just something so fun about these little characters. Plus, they take up way less space than full sets, which my wife appreciates!

If you’re thinking about getting into minifigure collecting, here’s my advice: start with a theme you love. For me, it was Star Wars. I set out to collect all the different versions of Luke Skywalker. It was a fun challenge, and it gave me a focus for my collecting.

Oh, and here’s a tip I learned the hard way: always check the accessories! I once bought a bunch of minifigures at a flea market, thinking I’d scored a great deal. Turns out, half of them were missing their little tools or weapons. Now I always double-check before buying.

One of the coolest things about minifigure collecting is the community. There are whole forums and social media groups dedicated to trading and discussing these little plastic people. It’s a great way to connect with other collectors and maybe even score some rare figures.

Speaking of rare figures, keep an eye out for limited edition or exclusive minifigures. LEGO often releases special figures at events or with certain sets. These can be worth a lot to collectors. I once stood in line for hours at a comic convention to get an exclusive Batman minifigure. Was it worth it? Absolutely!

Just remember, whether you’re collecting for fun or as an investment, the most important thing is to enjoy it. These little figures each tell a story, and building a collection is like creating your own little LEGO universe. How cool is that?

Retired LEGO Sets: The Holy Grail of Collecting

Alright, let’s chat about something that gets every LEGO collector’s heart racing: retired sets. These are the ones that LEGO doesn’t make anymore, and let me tell you, some of them can be worth a small fortune!

I remember the first time I realized the value of retired sets. I was cleaning out my parents’ attic and found my old LEGO Cafe Corner set from 2007. On a whim, I looked it up online and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw the price. What I had bought for about $140 was now selling for over $1,500! Needless to say, that set didn’t end up in the garage sale pile.

Since then, I’ve been on a bit of a mission to track down retired sets. It’s like a treasure hunt, and I love it! Flea markets, online auctions, even Facebook Marketplace – you never know where you might find a gem.

Of course, not all retired sets are worth big bucks. It’s all about supply and demand. Sets from popular themes like Star Wars or Harry Potter tend to hold their value well. Limited edition sets or those with unique pieces can also be valuable.

One thing I’ve learned about collecting retired sets: condition is everything. A set that’s still sealed in its original box is worth way more than one that’s been opened and built. That said, don’t let that stop you from enjoying your LEGO! I have plenty of sets that I’ve built and displayed, even if it means they’re worth less. After all, LEGO is meant to be played with, right?

If you’re thinking about getting into collecting retired sets, here’s my advice: do your research. There are price guides and forums online where you can learn about values and trends. And always, always check that you’re buying a genuine LEGO product. There are knockoffs out there, and you don’t want to get burned.

Oh, and here’s a random tip: keep those instruction booklets and boxes if you can! They can add a lot of value to a set. I learned this lesson the hard way when I threw out the box for my UCS Millennium Falcon. Big mistake!

Collecting retired LEGO sets can be a fun and potentially profitable hobby. Just remember, the LEGO market can be unpredictable. Never spend more than you can afford, and most importantly, collect what you love. Because at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about – the joy of LEGO!

LEGO as an Investment: Building Wealth Brick by Brick

Now, let’s talk about something that might sound a little crazy at first: LEGO as an investment. Yep, you heard that right! Those little plastic bricks could potentially make you some serious cash.

When I first heard about people investing in LEGO, I thought it was a joke. I mean, we’re talking about toys, right? But then I started looking into it, and wow, was I surprised! Some LEGO sets have outperformed traditional investments like gold or stocks. It’s pretty wild when you think about it.

Of course, like any investment, there’s no guarantee. I’ve had some sets that skyrocketed in value, and others that… well, let’s just say they’re not funding my retirement anytime soon. But overall, I’ve found it to be a fun way to diversify my investments.

If you’re thinking about getting into LEGO investing, here’s what I’ve learned:

  • First, focus on sets that are likely to retire soon. Once LEGO stops producing a set, the value often goes up. I keep an eye on the LEGO website and fan forums to get a heads up on which sets might be on their way out.
  • Themes matter, too. Sets from popular lines like Star Wars, Harry Potter, or the Creator Expert series tend to hold their value well. But don’t ignore the sleeper hits! I once bought a random Minecraft set on clearance, and it ended up tripling in value after it retired.
  • Limited edition or exclusive sets can be goldmines. I still kick myself for missing out on the Lego Ideas NASA Apollo Saturn V when it first came out. Its value shot up faster than, well, a rocket!
  • One important thing to remember: condition is key. If you’re buying sets as an investment, keep them sealed in their original packaging. I know it’s tempting to build them (believe me, I’ve been there!), but an unopened set is generally worth more.
  • Oh, and here’s a tip I wish I’d known earlier: keep your receipts! If you ever decide to sell, having proof of purchase can help authenticate your sets and potentially increase their value.

Now, I’m not saying you should sink your life savings into LEGO. Like any investment, it’s important to diversify. And remember, the LEGO market can be unpredictable. Sets that are hot one year might cool off the next.

Personally, I think the best approach is to invest in sets you actually like. That way, even if they don’t go up in value, you still have an awesome LEGO set to build and enjoy. It’s a win-win!

At the end of the day, whether you’re in it for the love of LEGO or the potential profits, remember to have fun with it. After all, how many investments let you play with colorful plastic bricks?


Whew! We’ve covered a lot of ground, haven’t we? From storage solutions to minifigure mania, retired set hunting to LEGO investing – this hobby of ours is quite the adventure!

You know, looking back on my LEGO collecting journey, I’ve realized something important. It’s not just about the bricks or the sets or even the potential value. It’s about the stories behind each piece, the memories we build, and the awesome community we’re part of.

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned collector, remember to enjoy the process. Don’t get too caught up in having the biggest collection or the rarest sets. Collect what makes you happy, build what inspires you, and share your passion with others.

And hey, if you ever find yourself drowning in a sea of loose bricks or questioning why you just spent a small fortune on a retired set, just know that you’re not alone. We’ve all been there! That’s part of the fun of this crazy LEGO collecting adventure.

So, what are you waiting for? Go sort those bricks, hunt for that elusive minifigure, or start planning your next big build. The world of LEGO collecting is waiting for you, and trust me, it’s a pretty awesome place to be.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I hear a new LEGO set calling my name. Happy collecting, everyone!