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LEGO Storage Solutions: My Battle Against the Brick Invasion

Hey there, fellow LEGO lovers! So, let’s talk about the elephant in the room – or should I say, the mountain of bricks in the room. LEGO storage. Ugh, right? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love my LEGO collection, but there was a point where I thought those little plastic bricks were plotting a full-scale home invasion!

I remember the day I realized I had a problem. I was tip-toeing to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and CRUNCH! Yep, you guessed it. A rogue 2×4 brick had made its way into my path. As I hopped around in pain, I knew something had to change.

Did you know that the average LEGO fan owns about 1,000 bricks? Well, let me tell you, I’m way above average in that department! And if you’re reading this, I bet you are too. So, grab a cup of coffee (you’ll need it to tackle this organizational beast), and let’s chat about how I went from LEGO chaos to… well, slightly more organized LEGO chaos.

The Great Sort: Tackling the LEGO Mountain

Alright, let’s start with the basics – sorting. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Sorting? Ain’t nobody got time for that!” Trust me, I’ve been there. The thought of organizing thousands of tiny pieces is enough to make anyone want to just shove it all in a closet and call it a day.

But here’s the thing – a good sorting system can be a game-changer. I learned this the hard way after spending hours (and I mean HOURS) searching for one specific piece in a giant bin of mixed bricks. Never again!

So, how do you sort? Well, there are about as many sorting methods as there are LEGO pieces. Okay, maybe not quite that many, but you get the idea. Some people sort by color, others by size or shape. Me? I tried all of these methods and ended up with a bit of a hybrid system.

Here’s what works for me:

First, I separate the bricks by general category – standard bricks, plates, tiles, minifigures and their accessories, and so on. Then, within each category, I sort by color. It’s not perfect, but it works for me.

Now, let me tell you about my biggest sorting mistake. I once decided to sort EVERYTHING by color. Every single piece. It took me a whole weekend, and I was so proud of my rainbow-organized LEGO collection. Until I tried to build something. Turns out, it’s way harder to find a specific piece shape in a bin of all one color than I thought. Lesson learned!

Oh, and here’s a pro tip I wish I’d known earlier: invest in some good quality clear storage containers. Being able to see what’s inside each box is a huge time-saver. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve avoided dumping out an entire container just because I could see that the piece I needed wasn’t in there.

And don’t forget about those instruction booklets! I used to just toss them in a drawer, but now I keep them in binders with plastic sleeves. It’s so much easier to find the instructions I need, and it keeps them in good condition. Plus, it makes me feel all organized and adult-like. Look at me, adulting with my LEGO!

Remember, the goal isn’t to create a perfect system overnight. Start small, maybe with just one category or color, and work your way up. Before you know it, you’ll have a sorting system that works for you. And hey, if all else fails, you can always do what I did in my desperate moments – dump everything on the living room floor and declare it an “interactive art installation”. My wife didn’t buy it either, but it was worth a shot!

Creative Storage Solutions: Thinking Outside the Brick

Okay, so you’ve sorted your LEGO (or at least made a valiant attempt). Now what? Where do you put all these organized piles of plastic goodness? This is where things get fun – and a little weird. Trust me, once you start looking for LEGO storage solutions, you’ll never look at everyday items the same way again.

Let me tell you about some of the, um, “creative” storage solutions I’ve tried over the years. There was the time I thought using old coffee cans was a brilliant idea. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t. Sure, they held the LEGO just fine, but trying to get the bricks out? Let’s just say it involved a lot of shaking and swearing.

Then there was my “tackle box phase”. You know those boxes fishermen use? Turns out, they’re pretty great for storing small LEGO pieces and minifigures. I felt so clever… until I accidentally grabbed the wrong box for a fishing trip. Let me tell you, LEGO minifigures make terrible bait.

But it’s not all fails! I’ve had some storage wins too. One of my favorite discoveries was using over-the-door shoe organizers for minifigures. Those little pockets are perfect for keeping your mini-people organized and easy to see. Plus, it frees up shelf space for bigger sets. Win-win!

Speaking of shelves, let’s talk display storage. Because let’s face it, half the fun of LEGO is showing off your awesome creations, right? I used to just line up my finished sets on any available surface. My wife lovingly referred to this as the “LEGO invasion”. So, I had to get creative.

I found that floating shelves work great for smaller sets. For bigger ones, I actually repurposed an old bookshelf. A little paint, some LED strip lights, and bam! A showcase for my LEGO masterpieces. My Death Star has never looked so good.

Oh, and here’s a random tip: if you’re into building your own scenes or dioramas, try using shallow drawer units. You can build your scene right in the drawer, and then just slide it away when you’re not displaying it. It’s like having your own little LEGO theater!

Now, I know what some of you are thinking. “But what about those big plastic tubs? Aren’t they good for storage?” Well, yes and no. They’re great for storing lots of loose bricks, but digging through them can be a nightmare. If you do use them, try adding some smaller containers inside to keep things organized. It’s like Inception, but with LEGO storage.

Remember, the best storage solution is the one that works for you and your space. Don’t be afraid to get creative! I’ve seen people use everything from hanging fruit baskets to old tool chests. The LEGO storage world is your oyster… or should I say, your brick bin?

Special note! Some pieces are worth more attention than others, for example Retired LEGO Sets should get a bit more care and attention if you wanna make them in tip-top condition.

Keeping It Clean: Maintenance and Upkeep

Alright, let’s talk about something that’s not quite as fun as building or collecting, but is super important: keeping your LEGO collection clean and in good condition. I know, I know, it sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry. But trust me, future you will thank present you for taking care of your bricks!

First things first: dust. Oh boy, does LEGO attract dust or what? I swear, I can dust my LEGO displays one day, and the next day it looks like they’ve been sitting in an attic for years. It’s like the dust bunnies have a vendetta against my minifigures or something.

So, how do you deal with it? Well, I’ve tried a few methods. There was the feather duster phase (spoiler alert: it just moved the dust around and knocked over my carefully posed minifigures). Then I tried compressed air, which worked great… until I accidentally blew apart an entire X-wing fighter. Oops.

These days, I use a soft makeup brush for dusting. It gets into all the nooks and crannies without disturbing the builds too much. Plus, it gives me an excuse to hang out in the makeup aisle. “No, honey, I’m not looking at eyeshadow. I’m buying LEGO cleaning supplies!”

Now, let’s talk about the sticky situation of actual cleaning. Maybe your bricks have gotten a bit grimy over the years, or maybe (like me) you’ve made the mistake of letting a toddler play with your LEGO while eating a peanut butter sandwich. Either way, sometimes your bricks need more than just dusting.

Here’s what I’ve learned: lukewarm water and a mild soap are your friends. I use a toothbrush to gently scrub stubborn dirt. Just be careful not to use water that’s too hot – you don’t want to warp your bricks! And whatever you do, don’t put them in the dishwasher. Learn from my mistakes, people.

Oh, and here’s a random tip: for really grimy bricks, try soaking them in a solution of water and denture cleaner tablets. I discovered this by accident when I mixed up my “LEGO cleaning bucket” with my grandpa’s denture cup. Awkward family dinner aside, it works like a charm!

Now, let’s chat about storage maintenance. Every few months, I like to do a “LEGO audit”. I go through my storage containers, make sure everything is still organized (or at least, as organized as it ever gets), and check for any damaged pieces.

This is also a great time to reassess your storage system. Maybe that sorting method you thought was brilliant six months ago isn’t working so well anymore. Don’t be afraid to switch things up! I must have changed my storage system a dozen times before I found one that stuck.

And hey, while you’re at it, this is the perfect opportunity to “test” some of your sets to make sure they’re still in working order. You know, purely for maintenance purposes. It has nothing to do with the fact that playing with LEGO is fun. Nope, not at all.

Remember, taking care of your LEGO isn’t just about keeping them clean. It’s about preserving memories, protecting your brick investment (if that’s your thing), and ensuring that these awesome little bricks can continue to bring joy for years to come. So grab that makeup brush, put on some tunes, and show your LEGO some love. Your future self (and your future grandkids) will thank you!


Whew! Who knew there was so much to say about LEGO storage, huh? From sorting struggles to creative containers, from dusty disasters to cleaning triumphs, we’ve been through it all together.

You know, as I sit here surrounded by my (mostly) organized LEGO collection, I can’t help but chuckle at how far I’ve come. From the days of midnight LEGO foot injuries to now, where I can actually find the piece I’m looking for in less than an hour (most of the time), it’s been quite a journey.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to LEGO storage. What works for me might not work for you, and that’s okay! The most important thing is to find a system that makes you happy and keeps your LEGO accessible. Because at the end of the day, LEGO is all about having fun and being creative.

So whether you’re a meticulous sorter with color-coded containers, or more of a “throw it all in a big bin and hope for the best” type, embrace your storage style! And hey, if all else fails, you can always do what I do when it gets overwhelming – build a LEGO robot and pretend it’s going to clean up for you. It hasn’t worked yet, but I remain hopeful!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I hear my LEGO calling. Time to go “maintain” my X-wing collection. Happy building, and may your feet forever remain LEGO-free!